FREE Masterclass

Your Guide to Goals

Learn how to set meaningful goals and start making progress today!

What you will learn

Great guidance transforms frustration into fulfilment

On this Masterclass we will:
  • EXPOSE the hidden obstacles that all goal seekers must face before they can succeed.
  • EXPLORE the secret benefits that most goal-setters fail to appreciate.
  • EXPLOIT the gold standard strategies that have been proven to work for almost everyone.

Armed with the right knowledge and inspiration, your life becomes a lot less painful and a great deal more rewarding.

How you will improve

Great goals guide you to get more out of your life

On this Masterclass you will get:
  • CLEAR about your next steps to a more satisfying life that you have more control over.
  • CONFIDENT about your ability to succeed at something meaningful to you.
  • COMMITTED to achieve real satisfaction in life and not settle for "quick fixes".

You have the potential to live a life of passion and purpose with a meaningful goal and a winning mindset. 

What you will get

Want more clarity, confidence, satisfaction and fulfillment?

Experiencing control over your life’s direction puts you squarely in the driver’s seat. When you understand how to make the most of your potential, you get to enjoy:

  • Getting more out of you and your life
  • Greater pride in how you create and direct your life
  • Feeling good about your achievements
  • Satisfaction in how your time and energy are spent
Why you need to attend

Fed up of feeling unfulfilled, overwhelmed, unsure or aimless?

Experiencing frustration, confusion, doubts and a lack of direction suck the life out of you and rob you of your mojo. Without clear and purposeful goals to aim at in life, you get to suffer:

  • Achieving less than you know you could do
  • Constantly disappointing yourself and others
  • Feeling bad more often than not
  • Being dissatisfied at the end of the day
What you will avoid

Successful people are guided by goals and don't entertain doubts

Successful people aren’t that different from you or anyone else. They just do things differently than 98% of people who fail with their goals.

Before you can join the top 2% of the population capitalizing from the goals they set themselves, there’s a few key basics about goals that are vital for you to understand.

Most mistakes are completely avoidable, but you can’t fix anything you aren’t aware isn’t working.

Constantly battling unseen forces can be incredibly frustrating and causes most people to give up on their goals.

But armed with what you’ll learn on the masterclass, you can avoid making mistakes and your best life becomes more achievable.

FREE Masterclass
Your Guide to Goals

Learn how to set meaningful goals and start making progress today!

Meet your instructor

David Fairweather

David Fairweather has been helping people become better versions of themselves and live better lives, for almost 20 years, as a certified coach and psychotherapist.

Working as a professional at both ends of the self improvement industry has given David insights and experiences benefitting every aspect of the self development spectrum.

Every coach and trainer has their unique differences. Register to attend Your Guide to Goals today, and you’ll get to experience David and the difference he can make to your life!


What people say about David’s trainings

"Fairweather shows you the patterns of success to take your career, business and personal goals to new heights."

Heather Arthur

Vice President of Customer Care, Rogers Communications

"The techniques given were really good."

Benjamin Stone

Integrative Medicine Practitioner 

"What I'm truly inspired by were things you say that I've just never heard quite put the way you put it and a lightbulb suddenly goes off!"

Tiffany Jones

Television Host

FREE Masterclass
Your Guide to Goals

Learn how to set meaningful goals and start making progress today!


Get more clarity, confidence, satisfaction and fulfillment by attending "Your Guide to Goals"