How to Follow Through On Your Plans

mindset tips Nov 09, 2021

It’s one thing to want to do some thing that makes sense, but another thing entirely to feel like following through on your plans.

You may have made New Year’s resolutions that you wholeheartedly expected to succeed with….

Only to find yourself coming up with excuse after excuse as to why now is not the right time, or why you don’t need to do it after all!

Sometimes we just conveniently forget what was so important to us.

The best laid plans of mice and men can so easily get obscured by layers of dust over time!


👉  Start and end your day (every day) reminding yourself of what’s really important to you.

If you keep your plans in mind and within eyesight, you will be way more likely to follow through on your intentions than someone that’s managed to let it slip out of their mind and off the agenda.

Q: How do you keep yourself focussed and motivated to make progress towards your goals?



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