Don’t believe the lies you tell yourself

mindset tips Sep 29, 2021

It's very possible that you trick yourself from time to time.

You might not know you're doing it.

But if it ends in you staying safe and comfortable in your comfort zone when what you really wanted was to achieve something outside of it, you may have sabotaged yourself!

Your subconscious (or unconscious) mind takes its job of keeping you safe very seriously.

It can amplify potential threats and mildly concerning situation, making them seem very undesirable.

All anxiety is founded on FEAR.

And all too often that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.

Your safety seeking subconscious mind can be a Spin Doctor of your own perception.

The problem is that you cannot win big without some risk.

You also cannot stay in your comfort zone and reap the rewards of anything outside of it.

So what can you do?

  • Reassure yourself that you’ll survive just fine.
  • Tell yourself you can do it!
  • And don’t entertain every single doubt that attempts to occupy your mind and stop you going beyond your comfort zone.

What reassuring habits do you have? Ever avoided something that ended up being ok? Brave enough to share your story or advice in the comments below? 


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