Don’t discourage yourself with your own inner dialogue or self talk - encourage and inspire yourself with the words you choose to use.
Ineffective or demotivating self-talk can impact your confidence and productivity more than you may realize.
What we say to ourselves has the capacity to move us (or immobilize us) more than the words of others.
Being a strong leader begins with a determined mindset, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any possibility of failure.
Knowing that failure is possible is one thing, but dwelling on it and ruminating about it in your own mind, is another thing entirely!
Choosing to focus on the words and reasons that work for you, is a great way to stack the performance deck in your favour.
It’s like John Henry Ford said : “You can have any colour just so long as it’s black…”
Oh no wait! His famous and relevant quote is “whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right.”
What you impress upon yourself is the last word in influence - since the final answer of any personal quandary is yours to determine.
This even works with health and wellness thanks to the placebo effect - but that’s for another post.
Do you have a self-motivating phrase or slogan that inspires you to take action?
Maybe you’ve noticed a way you think to yourself that makes making progress harder than it needs to be?
Share what works for you in the comments and let’s learn from each other’s challenges and strategies.
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