Ever Feel Forced To Change?

mindset tips Jan 19, 2022

 Feel Forced To Change?

The process of changing makes people feel uncomfortable, which is why they often resist so much.

WHYSimple really: ...


Question Yourself Much?

mindset tips Jan 11, 2022

I used to tell myself “I can’t quit my job”.

I felt sure about this.

The problem was, my job wasn’t in my best interests to...


Keep Your MIND SET on Success in 2022!

mindset tips Jan 05, 2022

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to reassess your plans, hopes and dreams - so I really hope you have a great goal in mind for...


What Does Your Mirror Expose?

mindset tips Nov 25, 2021

What does your mirror expose?

You can learn a lot from yourself if you are brave enough to face the mirror honestly.

Not a quick glance to check...


Ready to improve?

mindset tips Nov 16, 2021

Are you ready to improve in your profession?

December will be upon us before we know it, and the new year will be racing fast to follow it.

So it...


How to Follow Through On Your Plans

mindset tips Nov 09, 2021

It’s one thing to want to do some thing that makes sense, but another thing entirely to feel like following through on your plans.

You may...


Don't Plan To Fail

mindset tips Nov 03, 2021

Not everyone takes time to set detailed plans for themselves, their careers, or their life. 

As the old saying goes if you’re failing to...


How To Live With Purpose

mindset tips Oct 27, 2021

Live with purpose…

We’ve all had our lives interrupted a lot by current events over the last couple of years

Some people wasted...


Put your words to work for you!

mindset tips Oct 13, 2021

Don’t discourage yourself with your own inner dialogue or self talk - encourage and inspire yourself with the words you choose to use.



Stop focusing on your flaws!

mindset tips Oct 06, 2021

As great as you are, you are definitely not perfect.

You have some good about you (hopefully ton of stuff).

And you also have some not so great...

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